This past week I've started making a new shape. It's exciting. I've got some new
colors in the annealler (tempering kiln) as I write they are at about 800 degrees. I can't wait to see them tomorro. I've been able to concentrate on my own work in a new way out here. The light in the showroom is amazing (perfectly even and balanced) so I've been able to see my work better. I look at photos taken in the old space, and shudder. There was one good space to shoot work in. If you've been following my work for anytime at all you've seen that spot. It was the only place the light was good.
I've been enjoying photography as well. I remember my Dad saying to my high-school art teacher that photography taught you to see. For me it just gives me (and thus others) a chance to look...
Initially I thought this was a mushroom, but after rifling through all my mushroom books (and not finding it), and watching it's progression, I discovered it is actually a grass. It's structure is a composite of my favorite shape (favorite is not an exclusive term...there can be a few "favorites").

Today we met this guy, he was shockingly stinky...

I arranged this as a comic strip. You should imagine Charlie while drinking coffee yelling: It's huge! and dashing outside. He escorted him back to the river, all the while this guy was (true to his name) snapping. He was not happy to be handled. Some guy driving by slowed his car and said "that's the second one this week!".

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