The furnace is at 180 degrees!!!!! Wo-Hoo! We will be blowing glass by the end of next week, or at least melting it. You can see some projects are falling into place, and we are starting to see more of what our finished space will look like...
That dark wall (top photo on the far right) is chalkboard, and just yesterday got a window put into it. Someone decending the stairs can look right into the shop. We had some wild ideas about leaving the stairs open, but went with code. I still like my idea of a "telescoping" banister that slides around the stairs. Sometimes you just have to finish a project...
Beautiful work. My earlier comments haven't gone through. Testing.........
I'm also just testing, testing. I loved your ideas about the staircase, but you're right about finally just COMPLETING a project!!! Much much love to you both--and how glorious to have the furnace up!! Mom
It looks awesome. Its hard to believe how fast things are moving for you two. Keep up the good work.
Wow very impressive. On a side note are those SiC starbars in that furnace. They look like the ones I have in the ElectroGlass here in Florida.
I just started on my own shop...really small shop to get some serious practice time in.
Best of luck here, although it really looks like you are banging it out without any luck needed. Can't wait to see the seed free first piece come out of that new furnace.
Also, how big of a glory are you going to build?
Book marking the page...keep the picture coming.
Thanks Gnat~ Those are silica carbide elements. They are part of the electro glass kit, Called "star bars" Congrats on your shop. We actually just moved this shop from california. It seems to have made the journey just fine. We are unpacking equiptment we built in Oakland, and not building anythin new, just running pipe and getting it all installed. I checked out your site looks like much the same venture. Good Luck!
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