OK, name change! Dresden glass just didn't seem to adequately describe what we are all about here. I was reading an old artist statement and came accross "tandem" used as a description for alternating, but coordinated color groupings. Light bulb! Charlie has been wanting to have an umbrella business that we both work under for a while. I wanted to maintain our representation as individual artists. The studio on the other hand runs because of our joint efforts, and of course desire/love of making glass. I also like the idea that tandems are made up of groups, and we enjoy working with artists, designers and architects on other projects. I've been researching Tandems online, and thought this was a good expression of our intention. I found it on: http://www.fabrica.it/blog/2007/02/tandem_umbrella.html

These two artists made a tandem umbrella
Good name!
A four or six person umbrella would probably be too tandem??
I think a six person umbrella would be tandem-m-m-m!
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