I've been holding on to that qoute for a while, and while a quick read suggests that I'm a snooty art-fart who thinks people have no imagination, read on! I'm way more self depreciating! (or humbled?)
For those of you who connect to my blog to see my hand-blown glass, your probably wondering if I've been making anything in the studio at all. The answer is: not so much lately. The studio is still morphing into what our neighbors have come to call "The Plant". Ever more apt a title as today Charlie heads back from Mi. with a generator capable of taking our studio (an the town of Dresden) through any long power outages...I have been working with contractors, as we continue to design our space and work out any existing kinks. There is alot to this place and at the moment we are struggling under the savage weight of abundance...
Right now it comes in the form of water... thousands of gallons of it come rolling down our hill at us. It's sort of a wonderful metaphor...but it's doing a number on our septic system! This is where a good imagination comes in...I'm turning into a landscape architect as I seek to divert it and develop gardens that will capitalize on it. Now that we are on the east coast there's that whole freezing ground thing that happens, I've got to think six months in advance. There's alot of planning for trees and planting...
Our Barn has huge south facing windows, so we open the doors to our apt. and heat warms us during the day (yay passive solar!) and also provides a great spot for our winter greenhouse (yay fresh lettuce, rosemary starts,and a sweet potatoe that has become a shrub).
I'm still working with a neighbor developing some grants in the interest of energy effeciency..and ok, enough words here's an image:
this is a close-up of our friend the mushroom (sexy mushroom...seen in previous post) Amazing eh? this thing just blew up (grew) like foam! I love funk!
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